Throughout history there are those individuals that are just a cut above the rest & prove it with epic (sometimes Evil) deeds that are still spoken about in awed tones to this day. The subtly beautiful & powerful teas gave us the inspiration to create these odes based upon the regions these Legends were purported to inhabit. Relax & ruminate.

  • Lakshmana's Potion

    Lakshmana (loks-muh-na) was the younger brother of the God Rama in the Hindu epic Ramayana who’s life and mission he served. Throughout the story, his perseverance and intelligence allowed his brother Rama to finally ascend the throne of Ayodhya making him a king. At one point during the tale, Lakshmana becomes injured during a battle with King Ravana’s demon army and is on the brink of death unless a magical herb from the Himalayas gets administered before sunrise. Luckily, their companion Hanuman is able to bring back the entire mountain and save Lakshmana from the brink death. Although Chai Tea most likely wasn’t what saved our Hero, it’s intoxicating and uplifting aromas sure could have helped revive Lakshmana.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Black Tea, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Ginger, Black Pepper, Cloves, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 12%

    Flavor Profile: Black tea, cinnamon, ginger, and is that the softness of cardamom with a bit of bite from the pepper and cloves? This is what Chai is all about without a doubt. Pour me up another please.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled

  • Blood of the Cyclops: Bean2Bean Coffee Co. Collab

    Polyphemus (pol-UH-fee-mus) was the cyclopean son of Poseidon who captured Odysseus & his men. With a great deal of cunning & bravery, Odysseus was able to trick & then blind the cyclops allowing his men to escape. However, a fit of hubris caused Odysseus to call out his name while sailing away from Polyphemus who then beseeched his father to curse Odysseus. His loose tongue led to a twenty year long grueling journey home. Yikes. Moral of the story: Just don’t spill the tea.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Blood Orange Peel, Black Tea, Water
    Yeast: Kveik
    ABV: 13%

    Flavor Profile: Wafts of juicy, tart citrus rise from the glass with flavors following suit being braced by a bit of tannins from the tea that should be enough to give a momentary pause for some ruminating.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled

  • London Fog

    Sometimes brilliance takes an evil turn & chaos with a hefty dose of destruction is the end result. Jack The Ripper was one such mind to have eluded the authorities & still remain nameless to this very day. Whoever he was, there’s no doubt that the foggy streets of 19th Century London aided & abetted his heinous crimes. While enjoying our Earl Grey Mead, send a prayer to the Gods that Evil such as his is no longer welcome to walk our Realm with impunity.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Earl Grey Tea, Lactose, Madagascar Vanilla Beans, Water
    Yeast: Kveik
    ABV: 13%

    Flavor Profile: Little wisps of Bergamot are present before delving into the tantalizing, creamy notes of lactose & vanilla that sinuously wind themselves about the black tea-citrus combo leaving you with a true sense of wellbeing.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Room temp or slightly chilled

  • Matcha Latte

    Eisai was a Japanese Buddhist Priest who is credited with bringing the first Green Tea seeds back from China to Japan in the late 12th Century. After creating what would become the original Tea Ceremony, Shoguns & Samurai alike took to the practice upon completion of a duel or battle to recenter their minds into a state of tranquility. We’re not coming home from war, so we thought a Latte might be more fitting.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Ceremonial Grade Matcha, Lactose, Madagascar Vanilla Beans, Water
    Yeast: Kveik
    ABV: 13%

    Flavor Profile: Think one of those fancy iced tea/green tea brands you find at a nice gas station, but then add some serious earthiness with a dash of shall we say smoke(?) & we might have a winner, so go buy a couple scratch offs cause maybe you’ll get lucky.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Room temp or slightly chilled

  • Shennong's Gift

    Shennong, a mythological God-King of Chinese antiquity, was a master Herbologist and is touted with being the one to introduce Tea although by a complete matter of happenstance. The legend goes that while on a trip a tea leaf accidentally fell into his boiled water transforming it into the beverage that would fuel our World for centuries. Our ode to Shennong’s discovery is the blending of Pu-Er (aged and fermented tea leaves) with Schisandra berries that are known for exhibiting five flavors (salty, sweet, sour, spicy and bitter) along with being an adaptogen. May this Gift be regenerative and restorative just as that first cup of tea was on that fateful afternoon.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, 2-4 Year Aged Pu’Er Tea, Schisandra Berry, Water
    Yeast: Red Wine
    ABV: 12%

    Flavor Profile: Earthy and deep green tea notes surround you before being punched by the dark red notes of the Schisandra berry to add a little funkiness that’ll leave you pondering as you grab the glass again for another sip.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled & let it warm

  • The Honey Badger

    One of the fiercest warriors in all of Africa is the Honey Badger and despite it’s size is known to face down hyenas and even lions. To honor this courageous and noble animal, we combined three of Africa’s plants that are traditionally used individually in beverages: Gesho, Kuti and Rooibos. The first has been used as a bittering agent similar to Hops and also in Ethiopia’s version of Mead, Tej. The next, Kuti, is the dried leaves of coffee plants but contain far less caffeine than the fruit (beans) and a sweet green tea-esque flavor. Finally, Rooibos is rich in antioxidants and when made into tea has a subtle yet rich, malty flavor. We absolutely don’t want to run into any Honey Badgers, but we’re pretty sure they’d appreciate this Ode to their majesty.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Ethopian Gesho, Ethiopian Kuti, Rooibos, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 12%

    Flavor Profile: Talk about Mother Earth! There’s so much richness going here that screams Primal Creation and Wildness yet also the refined perfection of Nature that you’ll be thinking you’re a honey badger just tromping around being The Boss.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Room temp or slightly chilled

  • Tupã's Elixir

    Tupã (too-PAHN) is the God of the Guarini people whom reside to this day in South America. When he created the first two humans, it’s said Tupã used the juice from Yerba Mate amongst other ingredients before bestowing the gift of life upon his new creations. Then, he instructed the first two people to live in peace and propagate themselves. Afterwards, he made the spirits of Good and Evil which allowed for balance in the World. To this day, the Guarini people imbibe Yerba Mate as a sacrament to their Creator of Life. The other ingredient, Cacao, is truly one of the Gods’ nectars in our Realm, Chocolate, and has been consumed in South America for millenia. May this Elixir bring you Life and Sustenance just as Yerba Mate and Cacao has for centuries in South America.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Yerba Mate, Cacao Nib, Vanilla Bean, Water
    Yeast: Kveik
    ABV: 12%

    Flavor Profile: The Kveik really shines here as you almost think you’re drinking a Show Mead but then you realize there are faint hints of cocoa and earthy Yerba Mate that almost combine to create subtle notes of nutmeg but that’s just your mind playing tricks on you so you take another sip and another one before the glass is empty.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Room temp or slightly chilled