As our father always said growing up, Wood is good. He’s a carpenter, so this saying makes sense for him, but also for the craft beverage industry. We want to showcase all the different nuances that wood can impart upon Meads when introduced to the aging process. These aren’t barrel-aged however, but rather aged on chips or staves inside neutral vessels.

  • Darkness

    Palo Santo is a South American wood that was tradionally used by the Incans amongst other tribes from the Yucatán to Peru in holy ceremonies. It has made a resurgence in modern times for similar purposes, but is also used to age red wines and some dark beers. One of our favorite craft breweries used to make an Imperial Brown Ale aged in giant Palo Santo foudres, so this is our ode to that bygone beer. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Palo Santo, Madagascar Vanilla Beans, Cacao, Water
    Yeast: Champagne
    ABV: 12%

    Flavor Profile: Rich Palo Santo on the nose screaming of Old World Forests followed by blasts of dark chocolate, soft vanilla, coconut & tannins on tannins that go for days.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Room Temp or Slightly chilled

  • Cinnamon Buns

    We didn’t have too much extra money growing up, so once in a while our Mom would make us those cinnamon buns from the cardboard roll with that pure sugar frosting that just blew our young palates away. As we grow older, the fact that nothing can really replace the magic of childhood gets more cemented with each passing year, but sometimes our senses can bring a little bit of nostalgia back. That’s our goal here. Xoxo

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Brazilian Amburana Wood, Cinnamon, Madagascar Vanilla Beans, Cacao, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 11%

    Flavor Profile: Sweet threads of honey & vanilla are delicately balanced with a hit of cinnamon spice.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Chilled

  • Hot Toddy or Mulled Cider?

    Life is full of hard choices. When you’re young, your parents constantly tell you to enjoy it because “Life only gets tougher the older you get.” One day you wake up and realize there are bills to pay, how many different types of cheese that are delicious but expensive, and that your clothes don’t magically wash and fold themselves. Two pretty cool things about being an adult are hot toddies and mulled cider. Warm, perfectly spiced, bit of a kick that hits oh so right...Well, we wanted to make this choice easy, so here’s both drinks in one. Cheers!

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, French Oak, Apple Cider, Clove, Cardamom, Ginger, Lemon,Indonesian Vanilla Bean, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 10.5%

    Flavor Profile: Serious grip at the start from the oak tannins and the zip from the vanilla followed by a rolling wave of the spices leaving you begging for another sip.
    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slight chill

  • Is This Birch Beer?

    We’re not sure about other places, but Birch Beer was a delectable treat for a kid to enjoy growing up in Pennsylvania. Heck, we could crush a few cans right now no problem not even a little bit. Now, we’re not saying this will match up to those memories of yore, but we’re pretty sure you’re going to savor every last sip just like you enjoyed that carbonated beverage to the last drop. What’s cool about this one, though? It’s a play on a recipe from the 19th Century for homemade Birch Beer. History is cool.

    Style: Acerglyn/Metheglin (Maple Syrup/Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, White Birch, Black Birch, Blackstrap Molasses, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Clove, Madagascar Vanilla Bean, Water
    Yeast: Red Wine
    ABV: 14%

    Flavor Profile: Huge nose of spices with a mixture of wintergreen and alcohol with a swallow that follows suit tempered with some vanilla creaminess.
    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slight chill or room temp