Each year, without surcease, the Seasons change from Solstice to Equinox & then back again. We do our best to encapsulate each change with our series dedicated to the inexorable march of Time; the only thing that lasts forever.

  • Yuletide Greetings

    There’s a certain magic that surrounds the coming of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere as the temperatures start to dip and the leaves make their descent to the ground that will soon be covered with snow. This is a time to gather round with your friends and family to celebrate all that brings you joy before the Realm takes it’s slumber to be born anew. Happy Solstice, Friends.

    Style: Methelglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Cinnamon, Allspice, Ginger, Nutmeg, Orange Zest, Clove, Juniper Berry, Coriander, Cardamom, Hazelnut, Saffron, American Oak, Water
    Yeast: Red Wine
    ABV: 11%

    Flavor Profile: Picture yourself by a smoldering fireplace as the snow falls outside with a spiced mug of Yule libations warming your entire being & that’s how this mead tastes. Happy Solstice!

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled or Room temp

  • Imbolc's Blessing: Blackberry Pyment

    Imbolc, or Saint Brigid’s Day, marks the start of Spring as the harshest days of Winter start to recede for another year. The feast day was marked by lighting candles to ward off the darkness, cleansing of oneself & your household, making reed crossses to honor the Patron Saint Brigid, & also the planting of many seeds for the coming year one of which being blackberry. We can only hope that this Mead is a gift that will honor the coming year & bring you prosperity along with peace. Thank you.

    Style: Melomel/Pyment (Fruited/Grape Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Vidal Grape Juice, Blackberries, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 15.5%

    Flavor Profile: Big, juicy berry & bright red wine nose with a tart, tropical swallow ending in an acidic finish.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slight chill & let it warm

  • Beltane’s Blessings

    Beltane is the Gaelic holiday that honors the coming of Summer in hopes that the year will be fertile & fruitful. To celebrate, giant bonfires are lit to drive away the evil spirits that may affect the herds & the people. Along with the bonfires, yellow flowers are used to decorate all manner of animals & objects emulating the fire’s cleansing flames. To honor this Holy Time of Year, we’ve put together a simple yet special mead for you to enjoy. It’s our hope that this year will be blessed for all Humanity & everyone shall prosper.

    Style: Methelglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Blueberry Honey, Golden Chamomile, Water
    Yeast: Kveik
    ABV: 12%

    Flavor Profile: Notes of long steeped chamomile tea, white grape juice, & freshly picked wild blueberries.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled or room temp

  • Bilberry Sunday

    Bilberry Sunday coincided with Lughnasa (LOO-na-sa) which is the ancient Gaelic celebration that occurs at the start of August. This time of the year was often when food stores were getting very low, but the first harvests were upon the people so there was reason to rejoice. Part of the Holiday was to hit the hills and gather bilberries which are cousins to the American blueberry. In our opinion, they’re even tastier so here’s our ode!

    Style: Melomel (Fruited Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, NJ Blueberry Honey, Bilberries, Water
    Yeast: Red Wine
    ABV: 12.5%

    Flavor Profile: Deep, rich notes of blueberry balanced by a strong tannin profile that sips more like a red wine than anything else.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled or Room temp

  • Samhain’s Blessings

    Samhain (sah-win) marks the celebration of the Harvest & welcomes the Darker Days to come with feasting, bonfires & sacrifices to appease the Gods. We strongly oppose any disregard for the sanctity of all Life, but we show no mercy when chopping up & slicing through the adjuncts needed to create this dark red concoction. We think you’ll find this Mead far more satisfying than the Blood of your Enemies. Hopefully.

    Style: Melomel (Fruited Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Rhubarb, Montmorency Cherry, Hibiscus, Water
    Yeast: Red Wine
    ABV: 13.1%

    Flavor Profile: Think the classic red “drink” of the Hawaiian Islands or perhaps the most delicious of fruity sangrias & you’re almost there.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Chilled