Here is our ode to all those sweet treats & eats that we’ve had over the years that the mere mention of or perhaps a scent drifting upon the breeze will spring up countless nostalgic memories from the past.

  • Apple Pie

    What’s more American than apple pie? Apple pie with a slice of American cheese on it? We’re not sure honestly, but on second thought that’s probably not the right answer. What we do know is we made this in Philadelphia, which is pretty much where America started...or so we think if middle school history is being remembered correctly. Liberty Bell? Check. Independence Hall? Check. Apple Pie Mead? Double Check.Yup...looks like we’ve covered all the bases. Now it’s time to probably go reread those history books.

    Style: Cyser (Apple Cider Mead)

    Ingredients: Apple Cider, Cinnamon, Maple Syrup,Tahitian Vanilla Bean
    Yeast: Kveik
    ABV: 12.5%

    Flavor Profile: Sweet baked apples, light cinnamon to balance, a rich undertone from the maple syrup & soft, pillowy vanilla throughout.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled to room temp

  • Black Forest Cake

    We originally made this Mead to celebrate our first “Anniversary” as a home hobbyist meadery, but all of our friends and family enjoyed it so much that it had to be brought back. There’s something to be said about the blending of the rich dark chocolate notes with the tart juiciness of the cherries all to be rounded out by the soft, creamy vanilla. Truly an award winning combination and we hope this bottle does it’s namesake dessert the justice it deserves. Cheers!

    Style: Melomel/Metheglin (Fruit & Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: Wildflower Honey, Cacao, Montmorency Cherry, Madagascar Vanilla Bean, Water
    Yeast: Red Wine
    ABV: 13%

    Flavor Profile: Rich cocoa, tart cherry & decadent vanilla all sing happy birthday to your tastebuds.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled

  • Boon's Dessert

    Growing up in the Delaware Water Gap, the biggest exposure to Asian Cuisine was our local Chinese takeout spot located in Belvidere, NJ. Now that place was awesome, but when our friend Rohn took us to his dad’s Thai friend’s restaurant at the tender age of 19, our flavor palates were absolutely blown sky high. Never before had we tasted such over the top flavors from bright to savory to perfectly spicy. If we can even come close to matching his expertise with ingredients, then we’ll consider this a success. Cheers, Boon.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Pandan Leaf, Ceylon Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Toasted Coconut, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 12.5%

    Flavor Profile: All fresh coconut and vanilla on the nose with flavors of sweetgrass, soft cinnamon and lemon with a dash of toasted coconut.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Chilled

  • Chocolate Oranges

    It wasn’t each Christmas, but every couple of years our Grandmother would gift us each with an intriguing, shiny, foil wrapped delicacy: the Chocolate Orange. There was something about smacking that citrus flavored dark chocolate ball on the table & then ripping the bright wrapper off that resonates fond memories to this day. Whatever your Chocolate Orange is, we hope this Mead brings a smile to your face. Cheers.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: Wildflower Honey, Cacao, Orange Zest, Madagascar Vanilla Bean, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 13%

    Flavor Profile: If you’ve never had a chocolate orange, then go online and order one. If you refuse to, well it tastes like lovely milk chocolate & sweet sweet orange.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled to room temp

  • Currant Daze

    Our half brother lives in the idyllic countryside of England amongst the hedgerows and cottages where the quiet nights with the sunny days make for a life some might call something akin to perfection. One time upon visiting him, he happened to show us a beverage made from blackcurrants that was one of the most delectable libations we had ever had the chance to sip. We wanted to emulate this fine nectar, but decided to add a bit of redcurrant for that little kiss of acidity. Cheers to sun drenched days amongst friends and family.

    Style: Melomel (Fruited Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Blackcurrant, Redcurrant, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 11%

    Flavor Profile: Sweet berry preserves, craisins and overripe strawberry all meld together in this decadent sipper.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slight chill or room temp

  • Currant Daze Aged on American Oak

    Our half brother lives in the idyllic countryside of England amongst the hedgerows and cottages where the quiet nights with the sunny days make for a life some might call something akin to perfection. One time upon visiting him, he happened to show us a beverage made from blackcurrants that was one of the most delectable libations we had ever had the chance to sip. We wanted to emulate this fine nectar, but decided to add a bit of redcurrant for that little kiss of acidity. Cheers to sun drenched days amongst friends and family.

    Style: Melomel (Fruited Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Blueberry Honey, Blackcurrant, Redcurrant, American Oak, Water
    Yeast: Red Wine
    ABV: 12%

    Flavor Profile: Sweet berry preserves, white grape, cranberry and a bit of tannic structure to make this mead a way too easy drinker.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slight chill or room temp

  • Figs on Figs

    Growing up, the only figs we ever had came in little biscuit form as an aiddtion to our bagged lunch for school. To think that it was even originally from a fruit would have blown our fragile little minds. Then one day you get a salad at a fancy restaurant and find out what figs really are. Turns out, figs are absolutely delicious and are far more versatile than just being used as a filling for little square biscuity snacks. Well, with a little dash of real vanilla you won’t get any after school snack from the 90s...just figs on figs on figs on figs.

    Style: Melomel (Fruit Mead)

    Ingredients: Fig, Tahitian Vanilla Bean
    Yeast: Kveik
    ABV: 13%

    Flavor Profile: Herbaceous, fresh-cut figs on the nose as the juiciness from the figs rolls across the tongue all to be brought to heel with a dash of fruitiness from the Tahitian vanilla.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled to room temp

  • Fruit Snacks

    When we were making our last batch of Mead there ended up being a surplus of peaches, cherries and bilberries, so we decided to toss them all together and see what happened. Well, we created a juicy, slightly tart delicious Mead which we think you’ll love that pairs great with memories of bagged lunches or afternoon cartoons. Except this time the cartoons are on a streaming service and feature a drunk grandfather and his doting grandson’s misadventures. Dig?

    Style: Melomel (Fruit Mead)

    Ingredients: Wildflower Honey, Honeyberry, Peach, Montmorency Cherry, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 13%

    Flavor Profile: It’s as if a Sauvignon Blanc and Rosé had a baby.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Chilled

  • Honeybery Daze

    Honeyberries are a fruit from a shrub in Asia that is related to what we know as Honeysuckle in Pennsylvania. Growing up, we used to take the flowers and pull the stamen out for that little bit of sweetness you could get. Well, the Honeyberry takes it for the win because these little berries are like the sweetest blueberries you ever tasted. Here’s to summer daze as a kid with not a care in the world except for making it home on time for dinner.

    Style: Melomel (Fruit Mead)

    Ingredients: Wildflower Honey, Honeyberry, Water Yeast: Speciality
    ABV: 13.5%

    Flavor Profile: A lovely melange of blueberry and blackberry with mayhap a bit of currant tartness coming into play.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled or room temp

  • Lemon Meringue Pie

    Meringue is such a wild topping when you think about it. The little peaks and valleys lightly browned all made from egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar. Well, none of these are ingredients for this Mead, but there is plenty of honey, lemon and vanilla to mimic this classic seemingly simple yet so technical dessert. So next time you’re at a bakery, do yourself a favor and grab a slice of lemon meringue pie, but in the meantime you can treat yourself to a glass of our Mead. Enjoy, friend!

    Style: Melomel (Fruit Mead)

    Ingredients: Wildflower Honey, Lemon,Madagascar Vanilla Bean, Water
    Yeast: Speciality
    ABV: 12%

    Flavor Profile: Reminiscent of a liquified lemon meringue pie you’d get from your favorite diner in all the perfect ratios.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Chilled

  • Mango Lassi

    Sometimes you taste a beverage that is so perfect it draws goosebumps to course up & down your arms instantaneously. When they’re really exceptional, just the mere mention has this reaction. One of those drinks that cause your eyelids to close as you sigh in deepest satisfation. Deep breath. If you’ve ever had the privilege of trying a properly made real lassi, then this statement hits your right in those sensory feels. We can only hope those same shivers are elicited from deep within your being when you take a sip of this mead. Savor this one.

    Style: Melomel (Fruited Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Mango, Saffron, Tahitian Vanilla Bean, Water
    Mango, Saffron, Tahitian Vanilla Bean
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 12%

    Flavor Profile: The nose belies the swallow of this mead as there is nothing but wafts of sweet mango, but upon the first sip you are greeted with the lovely tart yet creamy aspect of biting into a freshly picked mango all to be topped off with the floral saffron notes.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slight chill

  • Peaches N' Cream

    Growing up one of the desserts our mom would always make us in the summertime was Peach Cobbler. She’d get local peaches from one of the farms in the area or sometimes from our Pap’s peach trees and with a little dough and some fresh whipped cream somehow create a magical dessert that would make all of us scrape our bowls clean. This Mead is an ode to our mother and that sweet treat we’ll never forget. Thanks mom xoxo.

    Style: Melomel (Fruit Mead)

    Ingredients: Wildflower Honey, Peach, Lemon Zest, Cinnamon,Madagascar Vanilla Bean, Water,
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 13%

    Flavor Profile: Juicy, tart peaches with soft notes of vanilla dance around like a summer daydream.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled

  • Peaches n' Cream Aged on Amburana

    Growing up one of the desserts our mom would always make us in the summertime was Peach Cobbler. She’d get local peaches from one of the farms in the area or sometimes from our Pap’s peach trees and with a little dough and some fresh whipped cream somehow create a magical dessert that would make all of us scrape our bowls clean. This Mead is an ode to our mother and that sweet treat we’ll never forget. Thanks mom xoxo.

    Style: Melomel (Fruit Mead)

    Ingredients: Wildflower Honey, Peach, Lemon Zest, Ceylon Cinnamon,Vanuatu Vanilla Bean, Amburana Wood, Water
    Yeast: Kveik
    ABV: 14%

    Flavor Profile: If you could take a big, decadent bowl of peach cobbler with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and turn that into a liquid you’d be close to what this mead tastes like.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled

  • Pumpkin Pie

    Pumpkin Pie is so interesting because essentially the pumpkin filling doesn’t have much flavor, but instead it all derives from the medley of spices folded lovingly into the pie topped by a dollop of fresh whipped cream. What’s even crazier is the divisiveness that has surrounded this classic dessert as everything from lattes to cookies to candles have tried to mimic the iconic dish. People get really upset over Pumpkin Pie. Don’t get upset over this mead. Just enjoy it. Debate settled. You’re Welcome.

    Style: Cyser (Apple Cider Mead)

    Ingredients: Apple Cider, Pumpkin, Clove, Cinnamon, Allspice,Madagascar Vanilla Bean
    Yeast: Red Wine
    ABV: 10%

    Flavor Profile: A nose of baking spices following suit on the palate as clove, cinnamon & allspice all mingle cohesively with a bit of Madagascar vanilla to tame the party while finishing with a sharp, cider bite.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slightly chilled

  • Quad Shot con Leche

    Back in the day, we used to manage craft beer bars in the NYC area and the only thing that kept us going through those long shifts were ripping quad shots of espresso from the local coffee joints. You know you’re crazy when the barista says “you know that’s four shots of espresso, right?” with a slight look of concern in their eyes. Oh, we were well aware. This little doozy is an ode to those past sleepless days and nights spent honing our craft. Tread carefully though cause there’s definitely caffeine in this delicious little mead.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: NJ Wildflower Honey, Honduran & Colombian Beans, Madagascar Vanilla Bean, Water
    Yeast: White Wine
    ABV: 12.5%

    Flavor Profile: Waves on waves of fresh espresso smothered with layers of rich, creamy vanilla.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Slight chill or room temp

  • Spicy Dispensary Candies

    Certain states have those really cool stores where you can go in and buy herbal products that up until recently were severely frowned upon by certain sectors of our society. This Mead contains none of that “stuff” but the Citra and Strata hops add some zesty, dank notes that when coupled with the lemon, basil and chilis are reminiscient of some hard candies you might find while perusing said stores. That’s pretty cool in our opinion, man.

    Style: Metheglin (Spiced Mead)

    Ingredients: Wildflower Honey, Citra Hops, Strata Hops, Lemon Zest, Thai Basil, Thai Chili, Water
    Yeast: Farmhouse
    ABV: 10%

    Flavor Profile: Huge wafts of lemon hit the nose to be followed on the palate intermingling with herbaceous basil, dankness from the hops & a faint tingle from the chili.

    Drinking Temp Suggestion: Chilled